Hello world!

I first got in to this clean living malarkey about 2 years ago.  It started with little changes like making my own shower gel, moisturiser, washing powder and has now leached into (almost) every part of my life.

A lot of people have told me that I did it the wrong way round and should have started with food first because surely what you put into your body is more important than what goes on it. They are probably right but here’s the thing; I do actually like to eat shitty, processed food!! Monday to Thursday I am more than happy to survive on lean meats and leafy greens, nothing processed whatsoever touches my lips, but when Friday night comes, I turn into the junk food equivalent of a werewolf, consuming my own body weight in chilli heatwave Doritos , and whatever else I can get my hands on!

so that’s my deal.  I want to share with you recipes, my struggles (Diet Coke may feature a lot) and just anything interesting about this life I have chosen to try and lead.